At NurtureMe, we see YOU, the mother.

It’s our absolute passion to see mums thriving in every stage of motherhood, so they feel empowered to love, care for and nurture their baby. Often the focus is on the baby and mothers are forgotten. At NurtureMe we believe that if the mother is, confident, supported and feels connected and nurtured, then the baby will be just fine.

Our community is full of mums just like you! Mums who love their baby but are exhausted, concerned for their baby and worried about if they’re doing everything right​.

So come and join us and let us take care of you while you travel this new path.

It would be our honor to nurture you and help give you the skills to help manage your baby through the early stages of its development and to support YOU, through this transitional season of your life.


Pregnancy Massage

We offer two variations of our Pregnancy Massage, the Pregnancy Massage and the Pregnancy Cocoon Massage. The Pregnancy Cocoon Massage is unique. Not only will you receive massage and some pampering but it also includes a SLEEP session. The purpose-built pregnancy table is designed to allow for safe face-down treatment through the use of a ‘slinged’ hole to support a growing belly. This gives us the ability to comfortably and safely massage you throughout the entire duration of your pregnancy.

Both sessions include a foot scrub and foot massage, a 45 minute or 60 minute for Cocoon back massage, then wrapped in fluffy towels and left for a 10 min or 30 min sleep session to then be gently woken with a head massage. The Pregnancy Cocoon relieves pregnancy tension & relaxes your mind leading up to the birth of your baby and gives you time out to stop, breathe and rest.

All Pregnancy Massages are done by experienced therapists trained in Pregnancy massage.

Pregnancy massage $120 – 60 min total session
Pregnancy Cocoon Massage + Extended sleep time $140- 60 min massage + 30 min sleep time

Once your baby comes along, it’s not a time to stop caring for you … if there was ever a time to ensure you’re feeling your best and topped up with self-care, it’s NOW 🙂

A simple but wonderful way to do that is to book a Post-Baby Massage! A beautiful time just for YOU!

Let your massage therapist know on arrival if you would prefer a remedial or relaxation style massage.

60 Minute Appointment $100

Induction Massage
Designed to help you relax and encourage labour the Bring on Baby Massage uses induction pressure points, a relaxation session through nurturing touch a 30 min massage and a sleep time.
Bring On Baby Massage – $140 – 1.5 hour appointment

To find out more and to book CLICK HERE

Birthing Massage
Deb is a qualified specialist in pregnancy massage – including during the birthing process.

A wonderful way to stay calm, centered, and in control of your birthing experience is through massage. Learning how to read and understand your body, and keeping relaxed throughout the birth ensures your baby stays calm also.



Become a NurtureMe VIP and you get to spend 3 mornings a week hanging out in our space with other mums.
You also get access to discounts on our services PLUS other local businesses.

Find out more


We run our Prenatal Class one Saturday a month. The day covers more than just the labour and birth but we also have a international board certified Lactation Consultant speak on Preparing to Breastfeed. We teach you the baby cues and discuss the changes that come in your relationship with your partner after the arrival of your baby. We have a practical time to learn how to swaddle and change nappies.

Lunch, morning and afternoon tea is provided.

You get to meet other couples and build a friendship that will grow as you become new parents together.

Book here


This 5 week program instructed by Deb Sirone, teaches you Cue-based massage, which helps relieve wind pain and induces sleep. It focuses on teaching you loving, respectful touch through massage, which enhances bonding and healthy secure attachment between you and your baby. You will have all your feeding questions answered by Linda Rayment our Lactation consultant and have time to connect and form bonds with other parents in your group.

Go to our Baby Massage page to find out more and to book in.


We are now offering classes for older children. We have the NurtureMe Crawlers for those aged 6-12 months, the NurtureMe Just Walkers for those aged 12-18 months and the NurtureMe Preschoolers for those aged 3-5 years.
Incorporating songs and rhymes into the massage strokes to create a fun activity for all ages.
For more information go to the class pages in the menu or clicking the below link
NurtureMe Crawlers
NurtureMe Just Walkers
NurtureMe Preschoolers


A four-week course taking an honest look at the challenges of being a new parent with simple, helpful ideas to reduce the stress, ease the exhaustion, increase your bond with bub and feel you are living your life fully.

Go to our Well-Being Programs page for more information.


A place for new parents to come with their newborn baby (0-5 months old) to get some much needed rest. With grandma baby cuddlers available to hold your little one so you can have a sleep in our relaxation pods, lounge in our recliners or grab a hot cuppa and some delicious homebaked goodies.



A two hour class addressing what is not often talked about but so many go through- parenting without a mum. This class looks at how not having a mum impacts your parenting on so many levels and how to find what is needed within and around you.

Go to the Well-Being Programs page for more information.


Bring On Baby
Once you’re at your due date and can’t wait any longer for baby to arrive, book in for a Bring On Baby Sessions, designed to help you relax and induce labor. Which includes induction pressure points, a massage and a sleep time.

Bring On Baby + Massage – $140 – 1.5 hour appointment



Are you desperate for some time out but know you can’t at home because you can’t relax with the never ending to-do list?
Well, we are now offering a 90 minute Pod Time, where you can come and spend some quality alone time in one of our pods reading, journaling, relaxing, or sleeping.

Available anytime from 9am – 12:30pm Monday-Friday



Linda is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant who offers private sessions, answers all your questions in our baby massage program, and also runs a Breastfeeding Masterclass to prepare you and your partner for breastfeeding before the baby arrives.

CONSULTATION includes messaging support throughout the week.
Available Monday-Fridays or at other organized times.

Prenatal Appointment $160
Initial Appointment $180
Follow Up Appointment $90

BOOK Linda directly BOOK HERE


Pregnancy, birthing your baby, and then being a new mum, is one of the most beautiful and yet challenging things you’ll ever do!

There are some incredible services to help you navigate whatever stage or experience you may encounter, and you’re not alone! You should never feel weary or embarrassed to ask for the help you need – even if you don’t know what that help is – speak to someone that can point you in the right direction. Remember, there are LOTS of hormones and emotions running through your body and it can absolutely feel like a rollercoaster. And rollercoasters are always better with friends. Reach out. We and the following services are here for you!

Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia

Sids & Kids, Information on safe Sleeping

Australian Breastfeeding Association

Beyond Blue – Information for new parents


What is NurtureMe ?

NurtureMe is a wellbeing space, where new parents are nurtured through pregnancy massage, group Baby Massage Program and well-being courses where you are guided by a team of qualified women before and after the birth of your baby. As a new parent, you will be supported early in your parenting journey to ensure you are confident, connected, and empowered about being a mum.

What is the best age for the Baby Massage & More Program?

You can start as early as a few days after birth but generally we find that it is better to wait until bub is 3-4 weeks old and all the way up to 5ish months. Once they start crawling it gets a bit more challenging to keep them still for massage

Do I have to be fully undressed for a massage?

No, I have a soft gown for you to wear and you will be left to get changed in private

What if my baby cries or needs a feed in the middle of a Baby Massage Class?

We will always work around your baby’s needs. Your baby is free to feed, sleep and cry at any time in the class. I have a doll for you to massage if they are asleep. We always review the strokes from the week before and you can also just feed your baby and watch.

Can Dad's attend any of the classes?

Yes, absolutely. Dads love coming to the classes if they are able to and it means you are both learning together as a team.

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