In Common Groups

We have partnered with some incredible women to bring you the In Common Groups. As the name suggest these are groups were you can meet up with other women who you all have something ‘in common’ with.
The In-Common groups gives members the opportunity to connect with others who are also struggling with similar issues and find strength in numbers. The group provides a safe and confidential place to talk, share experiences, and find comfort in knowing that they are not alone in their struggles.

At this stage we are running a group for parents of children with disabilities with Jennine.

In Common Group – Parenting a Child with a Disability

Parenting a child with disabilities presents its own set of challenges and joys. For parents and caregivers in this situation , finding understanding and support is invaluable. At NurtureMe, we provide a compassionate environment where you can connect with others who share similar experiences. Here, you can share your story, be heard, and receive the encouragement and support that can make all the difference in your journey.
This free In-Common Group is held on the 2nd Thursday of each month by Jennine who has her own personal experience in parenting a child with a disability. Jennine also facilitates the well-being courses at NurtureMe and has a beautiful, calming presence which creates a safe environment for all she connects with.
To be a part of this free group or to find out more message or call Jennine on 0401 065 247 or email her on [email protected]


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